Before getting into the details of the show, I want to thank you all for passing along the word about the work we're doing here. Your email messages of encouragement, your contributions and the growing number of hits we're receiving to our Web site tells us we're doing something right here. Today's show opens with a tribute to military wives - a touching poem, author unknown. Our plan is to copy that piece of today's show into a separate file for you to point your friends to for a listen. This was a popular activity for our September 11th tribute as well.
Speaking with Vincent Cocilovo was a real pleasure. His confident and assured nature comes through pretty clearly through our conversation I think. Those who have him as a trainer are blessed. (Keep telling yourselves that when he calls for 'just a few more reps baby, come on!'.) Seriously though, we're looking for more fitness-related guests at this time. We want to have an even balance of guests for each of our three focus areas - financial, social and physical goal topics. If you have guest recommendations, send me a note.
Raise of hands, how many knew Mark Burnett, Executive Producer of Survivor, was a member of the British Special Forces? An adventurist through and through to be sure. It was fun sharing some of his thoughts from Dare to Succeed while incorporating some experiences from my own life for you as well. I hope it helped.
For those who have subscribed to the Personal Best Radio newsletter, look for the first edition to be sent out soon.
Dream big dreams and make them happen.
Dr. Grow