It was a pleasure sharing with everyone the story of Dr. Ragina Benjamin. Her work in the Bayou La Batre Clinic is extraordinary. No one should have to go through the trials she has as she serves her community. Click here for information about how you can help the clinic.
Our personal best living experience was provided by Tammy Cristen of Bellevue, Washington. For her contribution she'll be receiving a Certificate of Contribution along with a copy of today's show on CD. Give the gift of fame. We invite everyone to give the gift of fame by submitting a personal best story of a parent or spouse in action.
Laurie Puhn, author of Instant Persuasion: How to Change Your Words to Change Your Life, was our featured guest on today's show. Laurie provided many great suggestions to improve communication; extreamly helpful ideas to apply in both personal and professional situations.
Choosing a helpful attitude and fostering confidence in children were the personal best living ideas in today's show. Give it a listen and send us any additional suggestions you have.
Dream big dreams and make them happen.
Dr. Grow