Saturday, December 29, 2007

Catching Up and Finishing Up the Year

Hello Winners,

I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season as much as we are in our family. We did our traveling before the holiday this year so by the time Christmas day rolled around we found ourselves comfortably nestled all snug in our own beds. It has been several years since we've experienced this on Christmas morning and oh it was wonderful. I'm sure those of you who have places you normally travel to during the holiday season can relate.

At the risk of appearing lazy, I'll be wrapping up comments for the last few shows into this one entry. December 12th show - good times with Tere Drenth. She had a lot of good suggestions for saving money and managing money from her Everything Budgeting Book. The piece we did about Santa's mailbag got a lot of responses. As promised on the show, here is the URL for that group - a great bunch of folks.

December 26th we aired a conversation with Robin Aronson and Melissa Clark authors of The Skinny: How to Fit Into Your Little Black Dress Forever. On the bookstore shelves, the book is a taller, but narrowish book, bright pink color with figure of a skinny black dress on the front cover. You can't miss it. I've been wondering how to fit into a black dress for quite some time so I just had to interview these two. KIDDING !!! We've been getting requests for more fitness related interviews and this was a specific suggestion we received so we followed up on it. Melissa and Robin were a lot of fun to chat with. Listen carefully to the show and you'll hear one of Robin's children speaking with her during the interview. Lots of fun. As always, if you have suggestions for authors you feel we should interview for the show, send us an email about it,

To all the listeners who sent a message asking what I got my wife for Christmas ( I told her on the air on the December 19th show that she may as well stop asking because I'm not telling.) She's been wanting a table-top water dispenser for a few months. I got her one for Christmas. Don't roll your eyes, it was something she really wanted. The water fountain at her office is way on the other end of the building on the floor where she works. I know, I know... how unromatic is that but hey, its exactly what she's been wanting and in our home, that counts for a lot. Continuing along the practical lines she got me a suit caddy, an item to hang my suit on the evening before I need it. Like Paula with the water cooler, I've been wanting one of these for quite some time. When I unwrapped the box, I couldn't contain my excitement. Silly? Maybe, but it was a great time for us. Our children received a new Wii console from Santa. Apparently billions of other children did too this Christams so along with them, our children are now part of the Wii nation.

Wrapping up '07, take some time this week to evaluate where you are in life and where you want to be. Make 2008 your year. Create a plan, carry out your plan and enjoy the results. You all know the phrase.

Dream big dreams, and make them happen.

Dr. Grow

Sunday, December 9, 2007

December 5, 2007 Shown Notes

Okay, I'll put a bit more in here than the show notes. I'm sure you've all noticed its been awhile since I've put an entry in here. The shows have gone on but life got a bit hectic on me so the blogs have lagged a bit. I'll see if I can keep up now.

The Caring for Kids benefit event was a lot of fun. The keynote address got recorded but the quality on the upload isn't so hot. Apologies for that. I'm guessing I'll be giving the same message at other events coming up so I'll see about getting a bit better recording online. In the meantime, enjoy, because its still a good message.

Christmas is coming and I'm so excited. Ever had one of those Christmases where the stuff you're buying for your children is so cool you look forward to playing with the stuff yourself? It'll be one of those days at our place. Looking forward to it. Sorry kids, I know you read this blog sometimes. No way am I giving away any clues here!

Dream big dreams everyone!

Dr. Grow

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

October 17, 2007 Show Notes

It was good to be back in the station for today's show. I'm happy to report I'm getting comfortable with the studio.

Personal Best Radio's solute today goes to Diane Formoso. Diane has had many accolades over the years. She deserves every award she gets. Few people put in the number of hours she does for the cause she champions. Caring for Kids is now a well-established charity and it is 100% due to her persistent, caring, service.

Topics covered in the book, Do This, Get Rich were discussed today with author Jim Britt. Jim had a lot of great ideas that can help people move from wherever they are financially to wherever they want to be. Both he and I wish to hasten a note that these changes take work - lots of work, but they are without a doubt possible; its just a decision away.

Improving listening skills were today's ideas for better listening; a most important skill for anyone who wishes to have influence with others. Keep those email messages coming friends.

Dream big dreams and make them happen.

Dr. Grow

October 10, 2007 Show Notes

First things first. My sincere apologies for the sound quality on this show. The show had to be pre-recorded because I was working in my training business in Kansas City this day - far away the Puget Sound. A setting or two was obviously off in my recording set-up. We'll do better next time. I promise.

Personal Best Radio solute today was sent out to organizers of the Mary Hass Foundation, a grass-roots organization created to provide the Hass Family with a new home. A very worthy cause. Give it a listen and provide whatever support you can.

Our listener letter was a youngster in New York who pays tribute to mom. A great letter.

Guests on today's show. I had the pleasure of interviewing Don and Martha Rosenthal, authors of Learning to Love: From Conflict to Lasting Harmony. A very pleasant conversation.

Some listeners have asked about dealing with anger so dealing with anger was the today's ideas for personal best living. To provide more information along these lines we're seeking an interview with C. Peter Bankart. He is the author of Freeing the Angry Mind. I'm sure he will have great information for everyone.

Dream big dreams and make them happen.

Dr. Grow

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

October 3, 2007 Show Notes

Before getting into the details of the show, I want to thank you all for passing along the word about the work we're doing here. Your email messages of encouragement, your contributions and the growing number of hits we're receiving to our Web site tells us we're doing something right here. Today's show opens with a tribute to military wives - a touching poem, author unknown. Our plan is to copy that piece of today's show into a separate file for you to point your friends to for a listen. This was a popular activity for our September 11th tribute as well.

Speaking with Vincent Cocilovo was a real pleasure. His confident and assured nature comes through pretty clearly through our conversation I think. Those who have him as a trainer are blessed. (Keep telling yourselves that when he calls for 'just a few more reps baby, come on!'.) Seriously though, we're looking for more fitness-related guests at this time. We want to have an even balance of guests for each of our three focus areas - financial, social and physical goal topics. If you have guest recommendations, send me a note.

Raise of hands, how many knew Mark Burnett, Executive Producer of Survivor, was a member of the British Special Forces? An adventurist through and through to be sure. It was fun sharing some of his thoughts from Dare to Succeed while incorporating some experiences from my own life for you as well. I hope it helped.

For those who have subscribed to the Personal Best Radio newsletter, look for the first edition to be sent out soon.

Dream big dreams and make them happen.

Dr. Grow

Saturday, September 29, 2007

September 26, 2007 Show Notes

It was a pleasure sharing with everyone the story of Dr. Ragina Benjamin. Her work in the Bayou La Batre Clinic is extraordinary. No one should have to go through the trials she has as she serves her community. Click here for information about how you can help the clinic.

Our personal best living experience was provided by Tammy Cristen of Bellevue, Washington. For her contribution she'll be receiving a Certificate of Contribution along with a copy of today's show on CD. Give the gift of fame. We invite everyone to give the gift of fame by submitting a personal best story of a parent or spouse in action.

Laurie Puhn, author of Instant Persuasion: How to Change Your Words to Change Your Life, was our featured guest on today's show. Laurie provided many great suggestions to improve communication; extreamly helpful ideas to apply in both personal and professional situations.

Choosing a helpful attitude and fostering confidence in children were the personal best living ideas in today's show. Give it a listen and send us any additional suggestions you have.

Dream big dreams and make them happen.

Dr. Grow

Friday, September 21, 2007

September 19, 2007 Show Notes

A lot of fun on the show today. Of course every show is fun but there was additional excitement for a few reasons. The call-in guest was great with his rendition of Hippie Van. That was Seattle musician Michael Trew. He and fellow musician, Jessica Eballar, provided music (awesome music) for the PBR's charity benefit event.

The benefit event, by the way, was held Thursday the 20th and it was a great success. Over $750 worth of donations were provided to the YWCA Women's Support shelter.

We took another baby step on the show, a live, in-studio guest. Dr. Lance Lorfeld, owner of Lakewood Chiropractic was on hand to provide listeners with lots of great information about Chiropractics and healthy living. Good Times!

Tips for personal best living included information about allowing yourself to succeed. All too often we don't think we deserve such things. Wrong!

Dream big dreams and make them happen.

Dr. Grow

Monday, September 17, 2007

September 12, 2007 Show Notes

Pretty late getting this up this week. Sorry folks, busy time at the house.
The show started today with no big splash, just a 10-minute tribute to those who gave their lives on September 11, 2001. Several listeners suggested we provide that as a separate track that they could email to their friends and family so that's what we did. It's a bit of a tear-jerker. It wasn't easy to record but definitely worth the doing. It will never cease to amaze me how Americans will step up so often and so quickly when things need to get done. I love it.

Our guest on the show this was Dr. Harville Hendrix, famous couple relationship counselor. I really fun conversation with him. Even couples who aren't having any problems will probably find useful information from our chat.

Personal best tips for the day is information about how to write S.M.A.R.T. goals.

Have a great week everyone. Dream big dreams and make them happen.

Dr. Grow

Thursday, September 6, 2007

September 5, 2007 Show Notes

Today we changed the order of things a bit to give more time in the fourth segment of the show to go over information about setting goals. Our From Page Four to the Front Door feature today was of broadcasting pioneer Kal Rudman. For many decades public service groups and charitable organizations in Philadelphia's poorest areas have been able to count on Rudman's generosity to help them through. Kal is living a personal best life - one we can all be inspired by.

Our featured guest today was Terry Christopherson, founder and owner of TLC Seminars. I had the privilege of meeting Terry at a management seminar in Seattle. I was impressed by his very personable nature as he worked with the participants of the day. When I learned he had a book that can help people through challenges in life, I just knew I had to ask him for an interview. His book, Let It Be Hot, is available through his Website,

The Personal Best Story of the day was about a Grandfather whose gentle ways gave a granddaughter the peace needed to take care of those pesky baby teeth when they needed to come out. A delightful story even if a bit queasy making.

Our Personal Best Tips for the day was a review of the SMART formula for writing goals with two ideas added in as a bonus. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.

Dream big dreams and make them happen.

Dr. Grow

August 29, 2007 Show Notes

This week's From Page Four to the Front Door story was about Mathilde and Marcel Schmetz. This fascinating couple opened The Remember Museum as a memorial to all of soldiers who fought to free Europe from German aggression in WWII. In particular, the Remember Museum features items left by the 110 First Infantry Division soldiers who rested on the farmland of Marcel Schmetz's boyhood home. Their work is appreciated around the world and for that we honor them on Personal Best Radio.

I had the great pleasure of speaking with Dr. Judith Beck, author of The Beck Diet Solution. Her ideas about what people can do to help change their thinking as they work to loose weight are very enlightening. Many of the techniques can be applied to any goal a person has in mind.

The Personal Best Story today was contributed by PJ in Tacoma - a tribute to her father who always made time for her, despite his busy schedule with business, religious and civic responsibilities - a wonderful story to share.

Dream big dreams and make them happen!

Dr. Grow

Sunday, August 26, 2007

August 22, 2007 Show Notes

The important first announcement. The next Personal Best Radio Presentation Series Charity Event will be Thursday Sept. 20th, 7 PM at the YWCA Building at 405 Broadway in Tacoma. A fun evening for a good cause. Be sure to check on the flyer linked on the main page for more details.

I love that our show opens with positive notes about regular people performing uncommonly great service in the world. Today's opener was about were two fantastic individuals who started Be sure to check it out.

Our interview was with Susan Piver, author of How Not to Be Afraid of Your Own Life. It was a real pleasure speaking with her, as it is with every guest. A true delight.

We're looking for more businesses to come through with door prizes for our charity event so if you or anyone you know could help with that, send them our way.

Dream big dreams and make them happen.

Dr. Grow

Friday, August 17, 2007

August 15, 2007 First Show Complete

From page four to the front door story: Kaziah Hancock. Several years ago Kaziah decided to paint portraits of soldiers who died in Iraq. She volunteers her time, talents, materials and all shipping charges to this cause. When it became apparent that this service may be more long-term than originally thought, Kaziah launched an organization to enlist the help of others. She named the effort, Project Compassion. Now other artists also help with the painting. People who want to support their great service can go to to contribute.

We aired my interview with Dr. Lucy Jo Palladino, author of Find Your Focus Zone. It was a very pleasant interview. I find myself applying a lot of the information that I picked up from her conversation. The book is a wonderful book to have on hand. I highly recommend it. If you want to get a copy, be sure to do it through PBR's Book Recommendation section because a portion of all proceeds from book sales helps to fund juvenile diabetes research.

Our Personal Best story was about a mom who took a step back from her immediate thought to get angry at her son to instead put herself in her young boy's place. When the boy decided he wanted to run away, mom decided she'd better go with him. A touching story. Be sure to listen for it on the show.

Focus on Self advice for the day - How to Eliminate Negative Thinking from Your Life. I'm convinced this is a major key to move people from they are to where they want to be. Get your mind on what you want instead of what you got and you're well on your way to getting there.

Dream big dreams and make them happen.

Dr. Grow

August 9, 2007 Interview About the Show

The night before I found it difficult to sleep. I had spoken to audiences before; many audiences, many times. This wasn't the same. Not just one or two thousand, but thousands of people listening and no way to see them as I spoke. And let's not forget that the whole world could listen in through the magic of the Internet. Yes, this was different, and for me, something that was apparently causing some nervousness. Every once in awhile it's good to do something new and a bit scary. It keeps life interesting, right?

The interview was set for 8:30. I arrived to the station early - around 8:00. I chose to stay in the car and relax. Lean the chair back, close eyes, breath, relax, breath. relax. Okay, no problem, we can do this. At about 8:20 I rose from my ad-hoc meditation. I walked across the lot; calm, relaxed, and serene. I reach up to pull open the station front door and.... oh no! The door is locked. How can this be? Okay, no problem. Knock on the door, someone in there will hear, right? Knock, knock knock. No reply. Knock, knock knock, a bit louder this time. Still nothing. I'm thinking okay, there has to be someone in there, this is when we agreed to do the interview and the station is broadcasting. But this is exactly why I don't want to knock too loud. Could banging on the door actually be heard through the on-air microphone and broadcast to the world? Perish the thought. Okay, just call the office, I think. Crap, cell phone left at home. Five minutes to air time now. Calm. Stay calm.

My heroine appears; a wonderful lady a few doors down is stepping out of her office to enjoy a cigarette. "Excuse me," I say. "Could I borrow your office phone?" "Sure," she replies. We walk into her office, find the number in the phone book and give the office a ring. On the other end of the line I hear a very friendly voice. "KLAY Radio."My world is whole again.

Moments before air time I have the headset on and I hear the last of the race track report. Babe's Beauty has been scratched from the 7th race. Now it's our turn. The morning show host begins. "With me now is Dr. Arron Grow, host of our newest show, Personal Best Radio which will air every Wednesday at noon. Dr. Grow, tell us about the show." And with that, Personal Best Radio is born.