Happy New Year All !
In fact, at this point I can even send a very joyous Happy Chinese New Year also!
Thank you to all who continue to send letters of interest and support. We truly enjoy hearing from you. The award for note from farthest away goes to Lt. May in Iraq. We appreciate everything you're doing there and thank you for listening.
We started the new year with world famous magician Tom Ogdon. He's the author of many books. The one we spoke with him about was his best selling book, The Idiot's Guide to Street Magic. When first approached about the idea of having Tom as a guest I wasn't quite sure about that. My good wife Paula was the one who tipped the scale for us when she said, "What we see in Tom is a man living his dream, a person doing his personal best at his craft." Couldn't argue with that, so we said it up and, no surprise, had a really great time.
Chris Abbott of Pennycents Magazine (pennycents.com) was on in January. Pennycents is a great resource for individuals wanting a resource that investigates penny stocks and small cap funds for potential investment. For those of you out there smirking about penny stocks, just know that Walmart was in this category in the mid 70s. Jones Soda is a more recent example. Not that Jones has multiplied 20 times in the last five years but it certainly would have paid back more than double the money for anyone who would have invested recently. That's a good deal at any price!
Pamela Peeke, MD may stand as the most energetic guest we've yet had on the show. Topics covered in her most recent book, Fit to Live, was the focus of our conversation. Dr. Peeke shared tons of vibrancy and life in every word - a real pleasure to speak with. Be sure to look the TV show based on her book which airs on Discovery Health Channel.